What are the legal documents for your civil marriage in Portugal? For civil wedding in Portugal, the authorities will require:
- A valid passport
- Original of your birth certificate with apostilla stamp (long form birth certificate)
- Original of your certificate of non impediment with apostilla stamp
- If this is not your first marriage, a divorce decree or a death certificate with apostilla stamp
Every document must be in the Portuguese language so Lisbon Wedding Planner will be your reliable translator. All your documents will be verified and legally translated by your Lisbon Wedding Planner Celebrant before submitting the documentation to the Portuguese authorities.

In Portugal, only Civil and Catholic weddings are legally recognized. You may only get married in Portugal according with the Portuguese Law. You may not be married at an embassy or at any of the consulates in Portugal by a consular from your country. Anglican Weddings are not recognized by the Portuguese Law. Civil Weddings held in Portugal are legally recognized in your home country.
Your Civil ceremony will be conducted in Portuguese. Lisbon Wedding Planner Celebrant will be happy to be your interpreter either when you submit the documentation and throughout the ceremony.
In Portugal, 99% of venues are capable to host a civil wedding. According to the Portuguese law , the place of the marriage must have "proper conditions" each is usually the case.
Lisbon Wedding Planner is just providing some general information, if you're considering a wedding in Portugal, please CONTACT US